Monday, November 2, 2015

Oh dear...

I'm afraid I've been neglectful of the blog.  After going to a wedding this weekend and being reminded that I even have one and I should load a picture, here is the response to that request! 
Joey turned one in September and started trying to walk very soon after. He has a mouthful of teeth and is eating most everything he can get into his mouth. ( including dirt and bugs) 
He is very smart and likes to figure out how to open doors, drawers, and containers. 
He is definitely a little morning person. He is reading to go around 7 every morning and is always smiling when he sees you. 
He loves tractors and trucks. He pushes his little toy tractors around and goes brrrm brrrm and farms the whole house. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Where has the time gone?

We are finally getting back to our normal routine after our whirlwind Christmas. We did a lot of running around and visiting and spending time with family. It was great but we kinda missed out on resting and recuperating and working on some projects. Oh well. The projects will always be there right? 
We got a teeny artificial tree this year
Joseph started rolling over on December 27!  He is getting better and better everyday 
Bath time is a favorite time of day... For Bryce? 
The handy dandy organization center Bryce put together. Hopefully less clutter on the counters now. 
Joey had his first serious sickness starting into the new year too. After a trip to the dr and the ER he was diagnosed with bronchilitis and pneumonia. He was on amoxicillin and nebulizer treatments and after a few days he was back to his old self. The ER isn't a very fun place to spend your 4 month birthday. 
Joey is weighing in at 16 pounds and he is about 27 inches long. He has discovered his voice. He jabbers and talks and makes all kinds of noises. He makes us laugh. We like to tickle his neck and belly and toes. He still likes his swing and likes to play with a crinkly monkey. He also likes to suck and chew on his hands and fingers. He is adorable!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

3 months old,life, and Christmas is coming!!

Mornings that we sleep in late and just snuggle are my favorite. Like right now, my little man has his head wedged up under my arm. I've tried to move to make room between the two of is several times, but he scoots even closer. It's cute. He loves me! ( or he is mootching heat ;) ) 
Our little guy turned 3 months last week. Wow! 
Time flies!! He likes to try to sit up. If we put him in a sitting/reclining position he will do little crunches to sit up more. It's so cute. He is drooling and chewing on his thumb,fingers,and arms a lot. I'm hoping teeth are a long ways off. He hasn't rolled completely over yet but he is starting to make the effort. And he pivots on the floor and in his crib. We will put him down at night laying one way and he will move a different way by morning. He is sleeping great at night. Takes a bath and goes to sleep between 8 and 9 and gets up between 6 and 7. Whoohoo!! Happy mommy and daddy! We are always discovering new ways to make him laugh and figuring out tickle spots. 

Now for some catchup!
Thanksgiving ( yes I know I'm late)
Thanksgiving we went up to Grampa and Gramma Smith's in Wisconsin. Garry and Carol went along with us. This was Joseph's first big road trip. He did great. We fed him before we left and he slept part of the way, ate again when we were a little over halfway, and was awake and asleep the rest of the way. He did pretty good during our visit too. We got out the pack and play and he did great in that. So, all this just points to the fact that traveling could still be in our future, right? :)
Here's some pictures from our visit. 
We like to play games and work on puzzles while we visit. Grampa is the king of rummikub. He always wins :)
The grampas seem infatuated with little Joey... We all are :)
He got tired of laying on the floor, so Gramma had to rescue him and has him assist her in Pirates and Travelers. 
Great Gramma and Grampa getting last minute snuggles before we leave. 
We really enjoyed our visit and hope to so it again soon:)

Thanksgiving with the Whitaker's was dinner at Grampa and Gramma Whitaker's. I didn't get any pictures from the day other than of Joey and I. 
The week after we got back from Wisconsin was a busy one for Bryce   He had 2 meetings and 3 days at the Peoria Farm Show. Joey, Sam, and I went up to see him and walk around the show. This was the outfit I tried to put on him, but he wanted to wear the john Deere shirt and so wet through this outfit before we even made it off the changing table. 
Poor sleepy Bryce. This was him in the Friday of the busy week. I has picked up Dqniel and Olivia from school and they stayed the night. They were excited to see him when he got home and wanted to play. Livie made him a beautiful crown. 
Joey sporting the cute hat Great Gramma Barbara made him. 
He is getting so big!
JD boy
Last but not least , Christmas is coming! Only 12 days left!! We still have some shopping to do. And decide what to do for a tree ( Real? Fake? Big? Small? None at all?)
Our living room looks pretty with just the Christmas lights on at night. 
Have a great day! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

2 months old today!

Our big boy is 2 months old today! Where has the time gone?! He is growing so fast. He smiles and gurgles and coos and 'talks'. So far he is a really good sleeper : he naps pretty well during the day and goes for 7 hour stretches at night. No complaints from this mommy and daddy. :) 
We are very thankful for our little Joseph. He brings us a lot of joy. 

Friday, October 31, 2014

8 weeks already!

My little 8 week old. Actually he's not so little. He checked in a little over 12 pounds at his checkup the other day. Hard to believe! He is so lovable and cuddly and smiley. He loves 'talking' and it's the cutest thing in the world!
Hanging out with Daddy
He must've been bored watching me get ready for the day. 
We went to the park with Gramma and Gramoa and the Aunts and Uncles earlier this week. He got lots of snuggle time with Gramma. It was a beautiful day!
All worn out. 
But then awake and excited for daddy to get home from milking 
Enjoying a nice nap with mommy. 

Can you believe it's almost November?!?!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Things I love today:)

I love being mommy to my little Joey:)
I love being wifey to my wonderful Bryce:)

I love it that I get to wake up every morning a see sweet sleepy smiles like this:)

Or a goofy face:)

Have a great day!!